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Shiny Balls

Shiny Balls

75 INR/Kilograms

Product Details:

  • Classification Absorbent
  • Physical State Powder
  • Release Type Controlled
  • Storage Room Temperature
  • Dosage As Suggested
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Shiny Balls Price And Quantity

  • 100 Kilograms
  • 75 INR/Kilograms

Shiny Balls Product Specifications

  • Absorbent
  • Room Temperature
  • Powder
  • As Suggested
  • Controlled

Shiny Balls Trade Information

  • Cash in Advance (CID)
  • 5000 Kilograms Per Month
  • 7-10 Days
  • All India

Product Description

Shiny Balls is an innovative product that belongs to the absorbent category and is available in the form of powder. It is specifically designed for plant growth and has a controlled release type. The product is suggested to be used in the dosage as recommended. Shiny Balls can be stored at room temperature, making it easier to handle and store. The product specification of Shiny Balls makes it an ideal choice for plant growth as it absorbs and releases nutrients in a controlled manner. This ensures that the plants receive the right amount of nutrients and grow healthily. Shiny Balls is suitable for use in both indoor and outdoor plants. The product is available for distribution, export, import, manufacturing, and service provision. It is an ideal choice for retailers, wholesalers, and distributors who want to provide their customers with a superior quality product.

FAQs of Shiny Balls:

Q: What is Shiny Balls?

A: Shiny Balls is an absorbent powder that is designed for plant growth. It has a controlled release type and can be stored at room temperature.

Q: How does Shiny Balls work?

A: Shiny Balls absorbs and releases nutrients in a controlled manner, ensuring that plants receive the right amount of nutrients for healthy growth.

Q: Is Shiny Balls suitable for indoor and outdoor plants?

A: Yes, Shiny Balls is suitable for use in both indoor and outdoor plants.

Q: What is the dosage of Shiny Balls?

A: The dosage of Shiny Balls should be used as recommended.

Q: Who can use Shiny Balls?

A: Shiny Balls is suitable for retailers, wholesalers, and distributors who want to provide their customers with a superior quality product.

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