GST : 23ANUPP0264C1Z3
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Bio Pesticides
Potassium Humate
Plant Growth Regulator
Bio Fungicides
Agro Chemical
Nitrobenzene Emulsifier
Amino Acid
Wetting Agent
Bio Fertilizer
Granule Fertilizer
Bio Weedicide
Soil Conditioner
Water Soluble Fertilizer
EDTA Powder
Micronutrient Fertilizers
Bio Herbicide
Bio Stimulant
Seaweed Extract
Organic Products
ETP Treatment Chemical
Sodium Hypochlorite Chemicals
Metal Sulphate
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ManiBan 20 Chlorpyriphos 20% EC Insecticide
ManiTara Thiamethoxam 25% WG Insecticide
ManiThrin Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC Insecticide
ManiProtect Thiamethoxam-12.6% + Lamda Cyhal0thrin-9.5% Insecticide
ManiMissile Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG Insecticide
ManiThrin Lambda Cyhalothrin 5 EC Insecticide
Mani 505 Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% EC Insecticide
Mani Gent 18.5 Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC ManiGent 18.5% Insecticide
Mani Zin Bufrozin 25% SC Insecticide
Mani Cron Profenofos 50% EC Insecticide
Mani C44 Profeno 40 Cyper 4% EC Insecticide
Mani Neem Bahar Azadirachtom 0.30.% EC Insecticide
Bio Pesticides
Mani Lava Plus Bio Pesticide
Bollworm And Caterpillar Special Biopesticides
Mites And Thrips Special Biopesticides
Virus Special R-One Bio Pesticide
White Fly Special Biopesticides
Agriculture Pesticide
Plant Protector
White Fly Special Botanical Pesticide
Bronopol ( 2-Bromo 2-Nitropropane, 1-3 Diol)
Organic Pesticide
Potassium Humate
Super Potassium F Humate Shiney Powder
Super Shiny Flakes k2o 10-12% Potassium F Humate
Soil Conditioner Mani Humus Potassium Humate
Super Potassium Humate Shiny Powder
Super Potassium F Humate
Potassium Humate Granular
Potassium Humate Powder
Potassium Humate Flakes Soil Conditioner
Potassium Humate Crystal
Plant Growth Regulator
Amino And Enzyme Base Bio Stimulant
Brassinolide Plant Growth Promoter
DA-6 Diethyl Amino Ethylhexanoic Acid
Gibberellic Acid 0.001% Plant Growth Regulator
Seaweed Extract Powder
V Grow Flowering Yield Enhancer
Bio Organic Manure
N-ATCA Based Bio Stimulant
N-ATCA Biostimulant
Seaweed Extract Flakes
Soya Plant Growth Regulator
90% Water Soluble Seaweed Gel
Bio Fungicides
Bio Fungicide Powder (White )
Bio Fungicide 3% Granules
Organic Fungicide
Bio Liquid Sulphur
Bio Fungi Granule Mani Kill GR Fungicide
Bio Fungi Plus Powder
Bio Fungicide Liquid
Mani Kill 35 Bio Fungicide Liquid
Trichoderma Viride
Fungicide Hexaconazole 5% SC Mani Hexa-500
Fungicide Carbendazim 50% WP ManiStim 500
Fungicide Sulphur 80% WDG ManiSulf
Agro Chemical
Agriculture Grade Chemicals
SOP 00-00-50 Potassium Sulphate
Ferrous Sulphate
Plant Protection Chemicals
Boron Water Soluble Powder
Heptahydrate Magnesium Sulphate
MKP 00-52-34 Mono Potassium Phosphate
Precipitated Silica Anti Caking Agent
Precipitated Silica Powder
Zinc Sulphate Powder
Karanja Oil
Manganese Sulphate
Nitrobenzene Emulsifier
50% Nitrobenzene Emulsifier
Nitrobenzene Emulsifier Powder
R-One Nitrobenzene Emulsifier
R-10 Emulsifier For Nitrobenzene 50
Emulsifier For Nitrobenzene Flower Booster
Nitrobenzene Technicals Solution
Nitrobenzene Emulsifier (20%)
Nitrobenzene Formulation
Amino Acid
Amino Acid 90% Powder
Amino Acid Bio 40 Liquid
Amino Acid 50% Powder
Protein Hydrolysate Powder
L- Cystien Mono Hydrochloride Powder
Bio Protein Hydrolyzed Spray Dried Powder
Wetting Agent
250ml Non Ionic Silicone Spreading Agent
Spray Adjuvants
Mani Vet Wetting Agent
Chipko Wetting Agent
Bio Fertilizer
Fulvic Acid Powder
Humic Acid Prill Shiny Ball
Soil Conditioner Mani Humus
Nitrogen Fertilizer
Organic Manure
Chelated Micronutrients
Shiny Balls (Amino Humic Acid)
Humic Acid (Liquid 12 Percent)
Agriculture Fertilizer
Organic Vermicompost
Granular Fertilizer
Humic Acid Powder
Granule Fertilizer
Humic Granules
Sulphur Bentonite
Bentonite Granules
White Nitrogen Fertilizer
Bio Weedicide
ManiWeed Kill 58 Weedicide
Insecticide ManiWeedKill 38 (2-4 D 38% EC Ethyl Ester 38%)
Soil Conditioner
Potassium Humate Flakes Soil Conditioner
Zyme Granule
Mani Humus Soil Conditioner
Water Soluble Fertilizer
13-00-45 Potassium Nitrate
19-19-19 Crystalline Powder
Micro Nutrient Mixture
Calcium Nitrate
Zinc Sulphate (33%)
EDTA Powder
Zinc 12% EDTA
Ferrous 12% EDTA
Micronutrient Fertilizers
Mani Balance Multi Micro Nutrient
Calcium Nitrate
NPK (19-19-19)
12-61-00 Micronutrient Fertilizers
Zinc Sulphate 33% Micronutrient Fertilizer
Potassium Nitrate
Chelated Zinc 12% EDTA
Inorganic Micro Nutrient Mixture
Chelated Ferrous Sulphate 12% EDTA
Boron 20% Di-Sodium Octa Borate Tetra Hydrate
Mani Balance Multi Micro Nutrient
Bio Herbicide
ManiCel Glyphosate 41 Sl Herbicide
ManiOxam Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL Herbicide
Ammonium Salt Of Glyphosate 71% SG ManiCel-710 Herbicide
Herbicide Imazethapyr 10% SL Manisuit
Bio Stimulant
Bio Stimulant- Amino and Enzyme Base
Bio Stimulant N-ATCA Based
Plant Growth Stimulant
Bio Stimulant Mani Gold
Bio Stimulant Liquid Mani Planto
Flowering Yield Enhancer V Grow
Seaweed Extract
Seaweed Extract Powder
Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer
Seaweed Extract Flakes
Seaweed Gel (90-100%) Water Soluble
Organic Products
Fruit Quality Enhancer
Mani Spark Catalyzer
Nano Plant Growth Promoter - Flowering Stimulant
Bio Potash
ETP Treatment Chemical
Sodium Hypochlorite Chemicals
Metal Sulphate
Ferrous Sulphate
Magnesium Sulphate (Heptahydrate)
MKP 00-52-34 Mono Potassium Phosphate
SOP 00-00-50 Potassium Sulphate
Zinc Sulphate
Manganese Sulphate
Copper Sulphate
Monopotassium Phosphate (0-52-34)
We accept minimum orders up to 10,000 rupees.
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