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Micronutrient Fertilizers

Micronutrient Fertilizers

Product Details:

  • Classification Organic Fertilizer
  • Release Type Emulsifiable Concentrate
  • Purity(%) 98%
  • Application Agriculture
  • Storage Room Temperature
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Micronutrient Fertilizers Price And Quantity

  • 100 Kilograms

Micronutrient Fertilizers Product Specifications

  • 98%
  • Room Temperature
  • Organic Fertilizer
  • Emulsifiable Concentrate
  • Agriculture

Micronutrient Fertilizers Trade Information

  • Cash in Advance (CID)
  • 5000 Kilograms Per Month
  • 10 Days
  • All India

Product Description

Micronutrient Fertilizers are a type of organic fertilizer with a purity level of 98%. This fertilizer is an emulsifiable concentrate that can be stored at room temperature. It is specifically designed for agriculture application, providing the necessary micronutrients needed for plant growth and development. With its high concentration and purity level, Micronutrient Fertilizers offer a cost-effective solution for farmers and growers who want to boost crop yield and quality. It is suitable for use in a variety of crops, including vegetables, fruits, and grains. As a distributor, exporter, importer, manufacturer, service provider, and supplier, we ensure that our Micronutrient Fertilizers meet the highest standards and are readily available to our clients.

FAQs of Micronutrient Fertilizers:

Q: What are the benefits of using Micronutrient Fertilizers?

A: Micronutrient Fertilizers provide the necessary micronutrients needed for optimal plant growth and development, resulting in higher crop yield and quality.

Q: How should Micronutrient Fertilizers be applied?

A: Micronutrient Fertilizers can be applied through foliar spraying or soil application, depending on the crops needs.

Q: Can Micronutrient Fertilizers be used on all crops?

A: Yes, Micronutrient Fertilizers are suitable for use in a variety of crops, including vegetables, fruits, and grains.

Q: What is the purity level of Micronutrient Fertilizers?

A: The purity level of Micronutrient Fertilizers is 98%.

Q: How should Micronutrient Fertilizers be stored?

A: Micronutrient Fertilizers should be stored at room temperature.

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